2018년 10월 13일 토요일

[R] Clinical Trials, Type, Phase 1/2/3,

CCTR 630(총리뷰)

-Clinical trials: prospective study, 
                        comparing effect and value of intervention against control
                        in human being

-VCU: Clinical trial office(support - ask Dr. Juan Lu) 

 1)Treatment: new combination/new approach
 2)Prevention: medicine, vaccine, vitamin, mineral, lifestyle change
 3)Diagnostic: find better test/procedure for diagnosis
 4)Screening: detect certain disease earlier(ultimate goal)
 5)QoL trial: comfort for chronic illness

어떻게 하면 빨리, 제대로 진단을 해서, 치료로 나아갈 수 있는가?
치료는 어떤 게 잘 적용이 되려나?(Pathophysiology) 
모두 Pathophysiology, science, Preclinical experiment 에서 idea가 많이 나올 수 있겠다. 

-PD: effect of drug(mechanism of action)
 PK: half life(absorption, distribution, excretion)

-Phase1, Phase2: exploratory trial. small/narrow population
 Phase 3; therapeutic confirmation -> FDA approval. 

 Phase 1: pharmacology, toxicity
(drug tolerance, metabolism, and interactions, and PK, PD)
 Phase 2: effect(Small group)
                (effects of various doses and typically use biomarkers as the outcome)
 Phase 3: confirm effect(full scale evaluation) 
(therapeutic confirmatory studies= mortality/morbidity/adverse outcome)
 cf) life style, surgical approach: will not fit to this phase. 
 Phase 4: post-marketing(surveillance = 10yrs)

Phase  I
Phase  II
Phase  III
Phase  IV
Determine the metabolic and pharmacological actions and the maximally tolerated dose
Evaluate effectiveness, determine the short-term side effects and identify common risks for a specific population and disease
Obtain additional information about the effectiveness on clinical outcomes and evaluate the overall risk-benefit ratio in a demographically diverse sample
Monitor ongoing safety in large populations and identify additional uses of the agent that might be approved by the FDA
Factors to be identified
-Dose proportionality
-Drug-disease interactions
-Drug-drug interactions
-Efficacy at various doses
-Patient safety
-Drug-disease interactions
- Drug-drug interactions
-Dosage intervals
-Risk-benefit information
-Efficacy and safety for subgroups
-Epidemiological data
-Efficacy and safety within large, diverse populations
Data Focus
-Vital signs
-Plasma and serum levels
-Adverse events
-Dose response and tolerance
-Adverse events
-Laboratory data
(Clinical outcome)
-Adverse events
-Adverse events

Phase  I
Phase  II
Phase  III
Phase  IV
Determine the metabolic and pharmacological actions and the maximally tolerated dose
Evaluate effectiveness, determine the short-term side effects and identify common risks for a specific population and disease
Obtain additional information about the effectiveness on clinical outcomes and evaluate the overall risk-benefit ratio in a demographically diverse sample
Monitor ongoing safety in large populations and identify additional uses of the agent that might be approved by the FDA
Factors to be identified
-Dose proportionality
-Drug-disease interactions
-Drug-drug interactions
-Efficacy at various doses
-Patient safety
-Drug-disease interactions
- Drug-drug interactions
-Dosage intervals
-Risk-benefit information
-Efficacy and safety for subgroups
-Epidemiological data
-Efficacy and safety within large, diverse populations
Data Focus
-Vital signs
-Plasma and serum levels
-Adverse events
-Dose response and tolerance
-Adverse events
-Laboratory data
(Clinical outcome)
-Adverse events
-Adverse events

  • Basic research: fundamental understanding of biology and disease processes.
  • Translational research: moving basic discoveries from concept into clinical
     evaluation (specific disease entities or therapeutic concepts.)
  • Critical path research: Clinical development.

내가 하고 싶은 스터디가 이것인데,
HFpEF 의 basic 결과를 통해서, 지금 여기서 할 수 있는게 무엇인지 알아보도록 하자! 현재까지의 진단과 치료에 대한 연구에 대해서 공부하고, 그 리뷰를 작성하는 것으로부터 시작하도록 한다. PPT를 만들어서, 발표하고, 거기에서 내가 뽑아낸 질문들에 대해서 더 깊이 연구해서 뽑고 또 뽑아낸다!!

- Starting dose of medication: traditionally 10% of lethal dose of rodent.

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