2018년 10월 19일 금요일

[CK] PK PD of Haloperidol(Haldol)

PD(Mech): D2 Blocker(in brain)

Dose: nausea- IM, IV (off-label route): 0.5 to 2 mg
          agitation- IM (as lactate): 0.5 to 10 mg 
          bioavailability PO(60%) 

Peak: IV- asap, IM - 20minutes.(lactate), PO- 2hr~6hr.(mean 4hr)
Half life: IV, IM, PO - around 20 hours.
No adjustment needed in Kidney, Liver failure. 

=> IM for 20 minutes, PO for few hours, and stay there for a while.

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