2019년 2월 10일 일요일

[CK] Death note

Situation (ACLS vs DNR/DNI

Spontaneous movement
(breathing, circulation-pulse, heart sound)
(pupil, stimuli)

=> Pronounced dead on 11/11/2015 at 13:23.

=> [ ] Family [ ] Attending [ ] Chaplin, Postmortem service, autopsy, etc.

I went to patient’s room when he was having a cardiac arrest. The breathing bag was placed and bagging was
started, there was no pulse so CPR was immediately started following ACLS protocol. He received a total of 10 mg of
epinephrine, 300 mg of amiodarone IV for vtach, and a total of 7 defibrilations when the rhythm was v tach. ROCS
was not achieved after 45 minutes of resuscitation. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not
response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were mid-dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over
either lung field. No carotid pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultator over entire precordium. Patient
was pronounced dead on 11/11/2015 at 13:23. Family and attending physician were notified. Coroner was not
notified since patient arrived to the hospital for more than 24 hours. The family declines autopsy. Chaplin and
postmortem services offered. The family declines organ donation. The patient was full code. Patient’s major medical
illness was cardiac arrest, bradycardia and heart failure. Time of death was 13:23, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse
Jenna Happ.

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