2018년 12월 6일 목요일

[CK] Diastolic failure (ASE/EACVI guideline standards.

[normal value]
E' >7(med), >10(lateral)

E/E' <14(Ave), 15(med)

TR velocity < 2.8

LAVI < 34

>1 abnormal = normal
>2 abnormal = intermediate


1. Abnormal LV relaxation(tau = in cath, e' = tissue doppler) = 1st manifestation of diastolic dysf.
2.E/e' = specific for increased filling pressure. >15 (low e' = impaired relaxation. not eleastic. stiff= slow relax.... delayed relax...) <-> DT: faster shift; +high E = high P. and which affected by preload as well. E ~ related to stiffness(stiff = slow E, but high volume = high E) So It's reliabel

PRESSURE + RELAXATION ! => 2 can be measured with ECHOCARDIOGRAM(reliable like cardiac cath !)

Normal =====> Smallest size of normal pattern = grade 3. E>A, e'>a'
Grade 1 = abnormal E<A, e'<a' => totally opposite = easy to diagnosis !!! Grade 1 완전반대. 얘만 그렇다!!!!! 
Grade 2 = mixed = pseudonormalization of flow E>A, but still e'<a'
Grade 3 = normali like E>A, e'>a' but too small.

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