2020년 7월 10일 금요일

[Q for NOTE] August 2020

# LVAD parameter algorithm
# SVT and ischemic workup
# CP vs Aortic dissection
 - workup - needs to be updated
 - d-dimer with sudden onset !!! and score system. 

Possible physical examination findings include the following:

  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension
  • Interarm blood pressure differential greater than 20 mm Hg
  • Signs of aortic regurgitation (eg, bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure, diastolic murmurs)
  • Findings suggestive of cardiac tamponade (eg, muffled heart sounds, hypotension, pulsus paradoxus, jugular venous distention, Kussmaul sign)
  • Neurologic deficits (eg, syncope, altered mental status)
  • Peripheral paresthesias
  • Horner syndrome
  • New diastolic murmur
  • Asymmetrical pulses (eg, carotid, brachial, femoral)
  • Progression or development of bruits

# How to manage syncope vs POTS vs orthostatic ? 

# Amiodarone loading indication and protocol for VT managment

# premedication prior to cath (prednisone) 

# prep for GI workup(colonoscopy; esp. bisacodyl? suppository?)

# Stress test indication, choice, protocol and adverse event! 

# hyperammonemia? 

# which stress test you should put in?
- indication
- contraindication
- pros vs cons

# COVID myocarditis management? 

# Nicotine patch in inpatient vs outpatient?
(How are you going to help them to surcease smoking) 
- Chantiks
- Nicotine patch, gum, and so on. 
- Actual plan book 

# Pre-Anticoagulation on ACS patient

# T-loading, S-loading 
-Medication half life, QT prolongation 3 HR
-EKG: calculation method, interval
-How to approach if there is adverse event such as torsa de pointes?


# ICD placement after ACS, indication


# Aortitis Dx(DDx -cause) Tx Px 

# HIT Dx Tx Px

# Thyroid storm Tx Px

# Aspiration PNA - cause

# Sinus tachycardia

Ao. dissection protocol



DM meds
 PO meds
 how often to f/u
 and parameter to work on

Anemia meds and f/u
 how often to f/u
 treatment goal and f.u

Hyperkalemia (tx. indication)
 Cardiac stablizing
 K lowering(transient and ultimate)

 initial regimen and workup
 recurrent gout management

CXR reading(medmastery)

HTN emergency
 medication CTx. and Regimen
 scenario book - response - goal

 what else
 DOAC related issue
 contraindication in thrombocytopenia


 cardiac text make
 point - clinical meaningful movement.
 CXR/USG/RHC - clinical meaningful point.

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